"It's a non-conscious process," said Tom Cash, a psychologist at Old Dominion University." They assume that more attractive people have an array of valued characteristics. " 弗吉尼亚大学的心理学家汤姆。卡什说:“这是一个下意识的过程,他们认为漂亮的人具有很多有价值的特点。”
The southern state of Virginia is called the Old Dominion. 在弗吉尼亚州南部被称为老自治领。
"It's a non-conscious process," said Tom Cash, a psychologist at Old Dominion University. “这是一个无意识的过程,”老多米尼亚大学的心理学家汤姆。凯施说。
During the old globalization period, the dominion of the thinking way of "subject-object" gradually leads the relationship between human and nature, person and person to a bad condition. 旧全球化时期主客思维方式统治一切,导致人与自然、人与人之间关系不断恶化。